Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year, New Beginnings...

Well if you didn't already know it's the beginning of a new year. 2010 to be exact and the last year of me in my 20's. That's right folks as of Jan 6 I will be 29!! Shock horror some may say, but personally I really don't care. It's just a number.. Life is what you make it and this year I intend to make it a good one. Full of love, laughter and life experiences.

First new thing of 2010 was starting this blog. I'd been um-ing and arr-ing about it for ages, trying to come up with a name, what I actually wanted to say, blah blah blah. So I just bit the bullet and here I am.

I guess I should start by introducing myself...

Hi I'm Kathy!

What made me want to start blogging??? Well I was inspired watching Julie and Julia. For those who don't know anything about me, I love cooking. Watching Julie Powell cook her way through Julia Child's Mastering The Art of French Cooking and in the mean time find herself, I thought hey I can do this too. Orginal?? No... but something that I want to do?? Yes. So once I get the book away I'll go.

Happy New Year! Let's see what the year brings


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere. It is a wonderous and amazing place. I have met many wonderful new friends.

    It was a great intro Kathy.. and if you have any questions.........dont ask me.. kidding.

  2. Hey Kathy
    Great to see that you have started your blog - and that is a great starting entry :)
    I look forward to reading your blog as you cook your way through Julia's book :)

    I cant wait to read the first blog post you do after drinking Diet Coke - LOL

    Good work on keeping to the New Years Resolution :)

